


Theoretical foundations for Contempory mathematics education

Why study theories of learning mathematics?

To able to plan how to teach mathematics effectively, there need to be some understanding of how student learn mathematics. A major uk review of effective teachers of numeracy (Askew et al, 1997) has shown that one of the key factors in develpoing high quality practices and outcomes in numeracy learning is the role of teory. The authors argue that the “teacher” beliefs and understandings of the mathematics and pedagogical purposes behind particular classroom practices seems to be more important than the forms of practices themselves (p.3) it is not the ways in which teachers use particular practices in classroom (e.g whole group work, mental math, direct teaching, or other method) but the beliefs they hold towards their teaching approaches that are critical. The role of theory in underpinning practice is an essential element of quality teaching in mathematics.

By having an idea of how student learn, teachers are better able to plan for and anticipate in particular ways and to create learning environment to facilitate better learning. Three significant classes of theories have heavily influenced our understanding of how students come to learn and understand mathematics :

  1. Cognitive theories that focus on student thinking
  2. Sociocultural theories that seek to understand cognition within a social context and
  3. Social (or socially critical) theories

Cognitive Theories ?

·         The influence of piaget

The work of jean piaget 1972 has had some of the most significant impact on mathematics education. His work on two aspects of how ideas were formed spanned a considerable part of the 20th century. His early and late periods were dominated by the active construction of meaning, where he proposed that, trough the win processes of acommodation and assimilation, schema were constructed. These ideas are foundational to the significant impact of contructivism in mathematics education. His middle period was dominated ny stage theories, where he tried to develop a theory of how young students went through particular stage in their thinking patterns. Piaget’s writing on childern’s cognitive and affective development were extremely influential in education, particularly from the 1950s onward. His stage theory of cognitive development, for example strongly influenced early childhood and primary education in the 1960s and 1970s. In more years, the influence of this theory has declined because of the view that it tends to highlight what childern cannot do, rather than what they can do. As well, stage theory, in the forms in which it has been translated (from french), interpreted and applied, is criticesed on the basis that it highlight notions of readiness. In doing so, it can hold back particular aspects of instruction, at the expense of teaching particular content.


One important focus of piaget’s work, highly relevant to our contrast, is the development of logico-mathematical knowledge. In particular,  he made major contribution to the understanding of the developmrnt of number concepts in young children as well as the development of concept relating to logic, time, space, and geometry and movement and speed. Since the early 1980’s piaget’s theories have constituted one of the main bases for development of constructivist theories in education.

·         Contructivism

Contructivism is a term that has been used in education and educational  psychology with increasing frequency since the late 1970s .Today , any serious discussion of learning theory related to mathematics , science or literacy , for example , would include a detailed discussion of constructivism.  As outlined by Cobb (2000) ; A rangeof psychological theories about learning and understanding falls under the heading of constructivism.  The common element  that ties together this family of theories is the assumption that people actively build or construct  their knowledge of the world and of each other (p.277).

                Cobb describes how constructivists reject  notions of stimulus-respon theory (behaviourist learning theory) and how remembering is more than direct retrieval , as thought processes are in operation. The individual mind of the learner is central to constructivism.

                The impact of piaget’s work in contemporary mathematics is obvious in the way in which constructivism , and  its numerous versions , has been taken up by teacher and curriculum writers.  There are number of different forms of constructivism , but underpinning all versions are three premises :

1.       Rather than being passively received . knowledge is actively constructed by students.

2.       Mathematical knowledge is created  by students as they reflect on their physical and mental actions. By observing relationships , identifying patterns and making abstractions and generalisations , students come to integrate new knowledge into their existing mathematical schemas.

3.       Learning mathematics is a social process where , though dialogue and interaction , students come to construct more refined mathematical knowledge. Through engaging in the physical and social aspects of mathematics , students come to construct  more robust  understandings of mathematical consepts and processes through processes of negotiation , explanation and justification.


Constructivism recognises that mathematics must make sense to students if they are to retain and laern mathematics. For students to develop appropriate knowledge they must be provided with rich learning experiences so that their constructed meanings and understandings are in keeping with the of mathematics.




·         The importance of dialogue and argumentation

Within the constructivist paradigm, the role of language and dialogue is central to fostering learning environments. Providing appropriately organised esperiences where students can talk with their peers allows them to explore ideas in language and concepts that is similiar to their own. This enables higher achieving students to practise their control of language and lower achieving students to hear ideas being modelled in a language that is more likely to be in a genre that they can access. For example , when talking about the properties of three-dimensional shapes, the formal language of edges , faces and vertices may be introduced. The high achieving students may find this language useful as they have been confused  by the use of the term ‘side’ –does  it refer to the face or an edge?  The appropriate language aids their learning. Other students may be grappling with notions of three-dimensional shapes. Having students explain their ideas to their peers often supports both sets of learners.


·         Constructivism in the mathematics classroom

Within a constructivist  classroom , the teacher acknowledges that students will have constructed a range of understandings from any given interaction on the basis that they have entered the context from a range of different perspectives and experiences .  a contructivist perspective recognises that it is not possible to assume that the teaching of a concept relates to the development of the ideas proposed by the teacher and that , indeed ,there will be a multiplicity of understandings constructed by the range of students in the classroom. A constructivist teacher realises that having taught something does not mean that students have learnt exactly what was envisaged by the teacher. It is important for the teacher to use a range of tools and techniques to assess what the students have constructed. By identifying what the students have constructed, the teacher is then able to identify constructions that are akin to what has been the objective of the lesson along  with being able to identify misconceptions.  It is the misconceptions that allow the teacher to access what the students have come to construct and thus develop teaching strategies that will move the students into more appropriate constructions.


Sosiocultural Theories : The influence of Vigotsky

Lev Vygotsky is regarded as the founder of sociocultural theory , or what can be described as the sociohistorical approach in psychology (e.g. Cole ,1966;Moll,1990). Vygotsky’s work , which is embodied in literature on sociocultural theories of learning mathematics , has gained increasing importance in theorising how students learn mathematics. Vygotsky saw that students internalised complex ideas (Daniels,1990), but he extended the general constructivist approach by arguing that the internalisation of knowledge could be better achieved when students were guided by good , analytic questions posed by the teacher.

                The expert teacher is central to Vygotskian theory . the teacher’s role is to identify the student’s current mode of representation and then, through the use of good discourse, questioning or learning situations, provoke the students to move forward in her/his thinking. The recognotions of a students representation or thinking was seen as her/his zone of proximal development and the teachers actions for supporting learning was described as scaffolding. When working in the zone of proximal development particular attention is paid to the language being used since the language of the student influences how she/he will interpret and build understanding (Bell and woo, 1998) within a Vygotskian approach it is seen to be important that teachers use and build considerable language and communication opportunities within the classroom environment in order to build mathematical understandings. 

·         Scaffolding

Good teaching involves teachers knowing their students current thinking about mathematical concepts and then knowing how to move the students towards more complex , complete and robust constructions through the use of organised learning activities and environments. Good questions are important in facilitating learning. Typically , good questions are those that foster deeper levels of learning as opposed to recall.

Socially Critical Theories

Sociological theories, and particularly critical sociology, have gained increasing importance in mathematics. These theories shift the focus of learning mathematics away from the individual to a more macro level of analysis. In part, this interest has stemmed from the consistent poor performance of students who come from particular backgrounds. It is now recognised internationally that particular students are more at risk of not performing well. Aside from students with learning disabilities , these are indigenous students of almost all nationals, students from working class (or low socioeconomic status) families ; students who live in remote or rural areas , and students whose first language is not english (in english –speaking countries ). When gender is considered in concert with these variables, differences are exacerbated (walkerdine,1988,1989). It has long been recognised that girls have been particularly disadvantaged in the study of mathematics due to genered practices in teaching and assessment (Fennema and Meyer,1989; Leder, 1992). However , its is now recognised that this applies not to girls per se, but to girls from particular social and cultural backgrounds. When considering the ways in which the practices of mathematics work to exclude girls, it becomes important to recognise that some girls ( namely middle class girls ) are more likely to be successful than their peers from working class backgrounds (both girls and boys) , thus gender is not the sole variable , but must be considered in concert with other variables. Rather than assume that success is due to some innate ‘mathematical ability’ , socially critical theories have the practices of school mathematics as the focus of attention.

                Socially critical theories explore the practices of mathematics education to see how they are implicated in the reproduction of inequities and in so doing, challenge such practices to change. Assessment , mathematical language ( Zevenbergen,2000,2001) and classroom talk, textbooks (Dowling, 1998) and ability grouping (Boaler,1997) are some of the areas that have been critically examined in terms of the way in which social, cultural, linguistic and gender differences are reproduced through mathematics education. These studies have illustrated the very subtle ways in which school mathematics contributes to , and legitimates , the failure of particular groups of students. This book devotes a full chapter to the study of equity from this prespective.

                Mathematics is one of the most important subjects in the school curriculum and it serves a particular role (among others) as a social filter. The work of Lamb (1997) show that succes in school mathematics is the best predictor for success in life. People who come to believe that they are not good at mathematics tend to accept their position in life. Thus it is important for all students to succeed in school mathematics – regardless of background , gender or language. By knowing how practices are implicated in the construction of differences , teachers can change their practice in order to produce more equitable classrooms and outcomes.


New Times : New Learnings

Current educational theory has moved to a stronger recognition of how society impacts on learning. Postmodern theorising has drawn considerable attention to how current times are very different from old times ( the Industrial Age ), largely due to the use of technology . As early as 30 years ago , educationalists were commenting on how television was influencing attention rates and that young students had much shorter attention spans than in the past. Similarly , the advent of television meant that reading books was being replaced by viewing television and there was seen to be a decline in reading skills and motivations. More recently , the use of computers and other computer technologies have been seen to have considerable influence over students ‘ thinking and behaviours, so much  so that terms such as ‘cyberkids’ , ‘technoliteracy’ and numerous others have become part of the educational discourse ( Luke , 2000).

                The world that schools are preparing students for is fundamentally different from that of even a few years ago. The term ‘New Times’ has been coined to represent the very different social , economic , political and educational times of the society in which young people now live (Gee,2002). Many of the new terms in educational theory are prefaced with the word ‘New’ to represent this thinking. Students who have grown up in a technological age are intimidated by technology and henceits insertion into  mathematics is an important change.

·         Technology and new learning

In terms of learning , New Times and New Learnings embrace the use of technology so that the tedium often associated with working calculations (‘doing sums’) can be replaced with technologies to support the development of mathematival thinking. This change is fundamental in preparing students for life in New Times. Technology in this sense includes calculators as well as computers so that ways of thinking-such as the development of algebraic thinking –can be very well supported by the use of technology (Asp and McCrae,2000)

                New learning in an old curriculum has been challenged by the work of Stacey and Groves (1996). In the old curriculum , students in the first year or two of schooling would only work with numbers to 20 . Through the use of calculators , young students number sense can now be developed to four or more digit numbers (Groves,1995) . Thus, rather than technology replacing skills, it can be used enhance mathematical thinking.

                Within this framework, consideration must also be given to what is seen as mathematics. Often this is framed within basic skills where the wider society bemoans young graduates who are unable to calculate. Within New Times , the emphasis becomes somewhat different due to the saturation of technology. Thirty years ago, shops could only enter the value of the goods in the cash register-calculation were done on paper, and change given using a counting –on method. Today’s society is much richer in technology-some stores have registers that scan items, so no data need be manually entered , others require the assistant only to press the item of purchase (e.g.McDonald’s) . Most registers also calculate the amount of refund (change) required. Thus old basics have been superseded by new basic-sales assistants need to be able to estimate , to problem solve , to validate, in order to evaluate whether items have been scanned or not and thus verify the validity of the total amount or the change given ( in case a wrong amount is entered for amount tendered) in other words, they need some of the old basics, but technology has brought with it a range of new skills. These sklills are different from, but not exclusive of, the attributes that would be sought in mathematics.

                Within a New Learning framework, the teaching of mathematics involves a much higher emphasis on the use and integration of learning technologies (such as computers, calculators , graphic calculators) . Since most western students have been exposed to such technologies, they are more likely to think and respond to these forms of teaching.

                Furthermore , there is a renewed emphasis on the mathematics curriculum reflecting new forms of mathematics that reflect the needs of the world beyond. New Times reflect the supersaturation of information, so students need to be more ‘literate’ in terms of analysing, interpreting and being able to critique the text to which they are exposed. This often means being able to use and apply theire mathematical thinking and analysis to texts containing data-such as graphs, measures of central tendency and so on. They not only need the skills to construct or calculate such measures, but within New Times , they also need to be able to interpret more carefully such information. This demands a refocusing of the mathematics curriculum into such areas.  

Theory into practice

The value of a good theory is its capacity to enable teachers to develop good practice that supports and enhances learning. Teachers need to have a strong theoretical basis to their work. By understanding how students learn, teachers are able to organise the learning in ways that will enhance the capacity for laerning. Rather than advocate one theory as being superior to another, it is more appropriate to consider what is being learnt. When considering how to teach the memorisation of the multiplication facts, behaviourism may be a better option than constructivism since the aim is to remember rather than to understand. When understanding is to be achieved , constructivism may offer more potential. When making links with the world beyond schools, New Learnings may offer better frameworks for planning. When trying to understand why some students have more difficulty in passing mathematics than others, socially critical theories are useful for examining the practices of mathematics.

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