1.Way of obtaining phi number.
Assess phi ( p) is 223 / 71 and 22 / 7, or with two decimal number can be written 3,14. For example in circle. wide of a circle is a thousand two hundreds fifty six, with radius twenty. Hence can look for phi from the circle, that is by area of circle divided by square radius, equal to a thousand two hundreds fifty six divided by twenty square, Equal to a thousand two hundreds fifty six divided by four hundred is equal to three comma fourteen. Becoming phi value from the circle three comma fourteen.
2.Way of obtaining abc formula
Taking example equation of square in the form of a multiply square x added b multiply x added by c equal to zero, with abc represent real number and a unlike zero, hence abc formula from equation that square namely a multiply square x added b multiply x added c is equal to zero, a multiply square x added b multiply x is equal to negative, both of internode divided by a is equal to b square x divided by a multiply x is equal to c negative divided a, both of internode added with square from semi b times;rill divided its result a of square x added [by] b divided a multiply x added square from semi b times;rill divided by a equal to c negative divided a added square from semi b times;rill divided a, square from x added semi b times;rill divided a equal to square b lessened four times a multiply c divided four times multiply square a, x added semi b times, rill divided a equal to less than grow on from square b lessened four times a multiply c divided four times square a, x added semi b times, rill divided a equal to more or less root from square b lessened four times a multiply c divided twice abc formula a,getting namely x one and x two equal to b negative of more or less root from square b lessened four times a multiply c divided twice a.
3.Way of wide [of] [of] area limited by y = x² and y = x + 2.
Known y = x², y = x + 2, to look for broadness, first look for crosscut dot both of the equation. X co-ordinate from the dot can be obtained by writing down new equation by subsitusition equation of y equal to x added two to equation y equal to square x. Hence obtained equation y equal to square x and obtained equation y equal to square x lessened x lessened two. then got x one equal to two and x two equal to negativity one. Becoming crosscut dot ( negativity one, one) and ( two, four). Searching broadness by dissociating area become two shares, compiling integral to every shares, integral both/ second . By using integral, hence the slice always begin at parabola left side and end at line right side is. Wide slice is biggest y value that is y equal to x added two, lessened smallest y value that is y equal to x. Wide equal to integral the than x added two lessened square x with negative boundary one until two , Broadness is equal to negativity one-third multiply rank x three added semi square x times;rill added twice x with negative boundary one until two, including for the value of x [is] equal to two lessened for the x of equal to negative one, hence broadness yielded equal to nine divided two wide.
4.Way of determining Trapeze volume.
Have been known that trapeze volume wide high times, rill pallet. For radian pallet hence its volume equal to phi multiply high times;rill radius square set of volume. Example look for trapeze volume which its pallet of circle, with radius 10 is, high of trapeze twenty seven. Hence trapeze volume one-third multiply three comma fourteen multiplied ten square multiplied twenty seven equal to two thousands eight hundred twenty six.
5.Way of proving that in trilateral any amount of its angle;corner 180 º.
Please prove that in any is trilateral its angle corner one hundred eighty degree by using parallelism postulate. If known RS and TU parallel line, pulled by line from vertical S dot with RS and is vertical TU and draw line from vertical R dot RS and vertical TU hence formed awaking up parallelogram where is same TS with UR. If When painted by diagonal from T to S hence the parallelogram divided to become two awaking up same trilateral.. Angle;Corner U and R [is] bevel. With verification congruent two trilateral hence can be proved [by] TR [is] equal to RT because TRU angle corner squeez equal to RTU angle;corner because defected and its value [is] half from the aspect of bevel hence amount of the trilateral both angle corner same that is RTU angle corner added TRU angle corner added RUT angle corner will equal to RTS angle corner added TRS angle corner added TRS angle corner that is fourty five degree added fourty five degree added ninety degree of equal to one hundred eighty degree.
6.Way of determining appearance probability of[is amount of bigger number than 6 from 2 lobed dice once.
Taking example to be known [by] two lobed dice once hence possibility [of] appearance of[is amount of number bigger than six can be determined :
First dice : 1,2,3,4,5,6
Second : 1,2,3,4,5,6
Hence dice couple with amount of number bigger than six ( An) is ( 1,6), ( 6,1), ( 2,5), ( 5,2), ( 2,6), ( 6,2), ( 3,4), ( 4,3), ( 3,5), ( 5,3), (3,6), ( 6,3), ( 4,4), (4,5), ( 5,4), ( 4,6), ( 6,4), ( 5,5), ( 5,6), ( 6,5), ( 6,6). Becoming An equal to twenty one Because two dice thrown hence Sn equal to six times six equal to thirty six, to determine appearance probability is amount of number bigger than six can be counted or calculated by P(N) equal to An divided Sn equal to twenty one divided thirty six equal to seven divided by twelve.
7.Way of determining equation [of] line which passing 10.0 and touch x²+y circle = 9.
Determining equation line which passing dot (ten,zero) x²+y = 9, that is with equation x once x added y once y equal to radius square, equal to ten times x added zero y times, rill equal to nine, equal to ten x lessened nine. Becoming equation its line ten x lessened nine.
8.Proving Pythagoras line.
Sound Theorem Pythagoras : saying that hypotenusa square from right triangle is the amount of other square two sides. For example a,b,c express side straighten and hypotenusa from right triangle at two square which is each a with added b as sliced first hutch side by side longietuade to become six shares, that is two square at its sides and four right triangle which congruent trilaterally which have been determined while sliced second square to become five cutting that is square at hypotenusa and four trilateral with congruent right triangle which determined. By tapering down [is] same from which same, hence square hipotonusa is equal to amount of square at bevel. Three a,b,c integer deputize Pythagoras triple hence can be obtained formula in Pythagoras theorem to be able to look for one of the the a,b,c integer., that is hypotenusa square equal to bevel side square which is one added by other bevel side square.
9.Way of searching the amount of anomalous number 200 is first.
If known anomalous number line 1,3,5,….etc Hence can be determined first tribe value ( a) equal to one and intertribal difference ( b) is equal to n tribe lessened n tribe lessened one is equal to three lessened one equal to two. Becoming to look for the amount of anomalous number two hundreds first mean n is equal to two hundreds and amount of symbolised with S hence can be [counted/calculated] with is same Sn formula with semi n times;rill multiply in bracket twice a added in bracket n lessened once b, Sn equal to semi times rill two hundred times in bracket twice one added in bracket two hundreds lessened once two, Sn equal to hundredfold in bracket two added three hundred ninety eight, Sn equal to four hundred hundredfold, Sn equal to fourty thousand. Becoming the amount of anomalous number two hundreds first equal to fourty thousand.
10.Way of painting or making cube knew [by] its flanks.
Taking example will be drawn ABCD EFGH cube with oblique projection, its pallet And flanks ABCD the straighten of AC,BF,CG,DH. Taking example its flank length equal to twelve centimetre, its pallet area horizontal, side of area straighten ABFE frontal, for example its angle of deviation equal to thirty degree. And its projection comparison equal to two to four. Stages Steps that is :
i. Paint Area pallet beforehand, in the form of is square ABCD, because ABCD ABFE frontal and horizontal, hence its AB situation flank of horizontal frontal, long so that AB real length that is twelve centimetre.
ii. At A dot, angle of deviation paint sixty degree of from AB flank.
iii. AD and BC is the joint orthogonal line. Because its projection comparison two divided four hence length AD and BC equal to two divided four times twelve hence AD and BC equal to six centimetre.
iv. square Oblique projection ABCD in the form of paralellogram align, hence ABCD pallet can be accomodated v. Flank the straighten of in the form of joint vertical line hence its situation of frontal so that E,F,G,H angle corner dot can be drawn hence becoming painting from ABCD EFGH cube.
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