The second semester in Yogyakarta State University, I will have studied english although it was studied at junior and senior high school. This lesson of lecture will teach by Mr. Marsigit, and now he is my english teacher in this university. I know him before he teaching, but when I was a participant of national meeting that held in faculty of mathematics and science
Yogyakarta State University.
And on tuesday at 3.00 p.m I met again with him in PR1, in there he command me to manage schedule of english subject.Finally, the decision from him, the lecturer will be held 2 times that is at 7.00 a.m and 3.00 p.m on wednesday.
Last weeks exactly on wednesday at 7.00 a.m in eks JICA room is the first time he teaching english in my class. Before, I think the teaching of method which will used too seriously and difficult but all over of my thinking not true. He teaching with very kindly, friendly, and slow but reach to target (english subject). When he entered eks JICA room, he command to all of student to sit a half of circle. Then he introducing his self such as address, his expierience, award which he get and etc. He told me and my friend about his expierience give a presentation in abroad (other country), on my thinking this it very amazing and I so proud of with his expierience. Not only this but he was journey more than one country.Before it all student ordered to introducing the self to him such as name, address, etc.
When he starting to teaching english the condition of class to be happyness, because the teach of method different with other teacher.
And at 8.00 a.m us go to RUB room because the eks JICA room will used by other student.
In RUB room he talk about a blog, and all of student due to make a blog. Not only it, but us get task of lecture to give a comment, and created a story about first meeting with him.
The second of lecture are held on this day too excatly at 3.00 p.m. Mr. Marsigit entered eks JICA room and he command all of student to sit a half of circle too. Before he starting to teaching there are many student come late on this lecturer, so he ordered this student to sit in the side of him. After that he teaching, and suddenly he give examination because there are one student will sleep. So to resolve this problem he give us a test to translate indonesian leanguage to be english subject, this test about mathematics words. When examination I so confused because I don't know and not able to answer the question. Although the questions only 50 number, but from this question 13 number can answered.From this 10 number is true and the other false, so I have bad score from the examination.
But it's not end of all, from this expierience I know that I must be improve my english and more study hard again to get the best score for the next....
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