Yogyakarta state university, especially Mathematics and scientist Faculty will be have a world class or can be called international class at program study Mathematics education. Not only Mathematics and scientist Faculty but other faculty such as social Faculty too, have to a world class university that’s at a program study a accountancy education.
Therefore Yogyakarta state University, especially Mathematics and scientist Faculty have a investation that’s two comma five milyar rupiah that’s for hold world class or International University. Beside it, Yogyakarta state university deliver ten people to go abroad with time is three moon to have score or mark at international but from all of this people theren’t have because all of this fail. So the modals be substraction.
For the solution, Yogyakarta state university deliver again two lecturer that’s have study at abroad last year ago to get a certificate which use a International language or English language as language at lecture hold. The lecture deliver to Holand or Netherland and Australia, in there the lecturer study too that’s have times one moon may be. After this time finished, finally the lecturer can get the certificate and now Yogyakarta state university exactly Mathematics education faculty have a class international or world class university.
Before have a class International or world class university, Yogyakarta state university which have two half milyar rupiah to improve education for Yogyakarta state university. The structure to improve that’s ten people with pay (one milyar) but it failed, and then the money use to deliver two lecturer from Mathematics and scientist Faculty especially Mathematics with purpose to get a certificate International at abroad.
Not only this the rector and the assisten too, wife, and the directure of Mathematics and scientist Faculty and Directure of social faculty too have go to Japan to have and get a memorandum with Aichi University such as to hold and observe education in Japan so Yogyakarta state university can improve to this world class university too. All of this people have to observe to TDLAC (Tokyo Development Learning Center) and Junior High School at Tokyo, this is so amazing all about media education and the applied education too. From this activity now Mathematics and Scientist Faculty especially Ma thematic have a World Class University (WCU) and we hope it’s can succesfull.
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