


Innovation Learning Mathematics in English

 What it happen?

Friday, September 15, 2017 the lecture on learning mathematics innovation in English started by praying together. On that day will also discuss about the reflection on the previous meeting, where one student will present the reflection of his learning. But have not had time to discuss the reflection of one student, some students ask questions about how to learn English, grammar, how to speak English fluently, how to increase the value of toefl, the use of English in the past and others.

What did you fell ?

At the second lecture meeting, I felt that this lecture was very fun, interesting, and many more things that need to know about learning and how to learn well in this course so can mastered the English well. the atmosphere in the lectures of innovative learning mathematics so well that in my opinion, this makes learning fun and inspires me to be able to create a better learning atmosphere as well as I teach math at my school


What did your learn at the lecturers with Mr. Andreas ?

Questions asked by some students to andreas, he answered questions from students one by one with joy and with convincing. all the questions asked by students, I underscore the important thing to learn English we must have a feeling of fun, reading more english books, seeing and listening to english movies, and to speak english to get used to do not need to use the grammar first after being able to speak fluent English then apply the grammar.

Regarding the desire to achieve good toefl grade students are encouraged to reproduce the exercise about the English problem and not forget to pray so that what is desired will be achieved. From him, more knowledge studied not only wise in answering but also way of teaching very good so this make learning fun, and provided motivation to learn it increased.


What is your target ?

My target after the second meeting last week, besides I want to be able to write well, read and understand English, the desire to speak English fluently in English is also my target in this lecture. Obviously the target to get a good mark also my target too. all that matters, but I think when I can learn wholeheartedly and really, then good results will also be obtained.


How will you achieve your target ?

To achieve the target in innovation in mathematics would require more effort, perseverance, passion, earnestness in learning, praying to God so that all my goals and targets will be facilitated in achieving it.

“ Learn as if you’ll live forever, live as if you will leave tommorow”

“So learn and do it as well as possible so that all meaningful in this life”

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